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Strategies to feed your family on a budget

As the economy goes down, home gardens go up. With inflation continuing to rise so does economic uncertainty. The price of fuel, fertilisers and produce have soared and we have yet to see the worst of it.

Industry surveys show double-digit growth in the number of home gardeners this year with many returning to their roots (literally), cultivating vegetables in their backyards to squeeze every penny out of their food budget. In fact, families that grow some of their own food are likely to save 38% on groceries each week.

Worries about health and the economy have more people turning to their backyards for food in the form of "recession gardens."
community garden
Sharing Food With Community

Grow Food

People who start growing their own herbs and veggies are always so amazed at how much better it tastes. Plus, it can be done in almost any urban environment. Start small if you're not sure about how much time or space you have to devote to gardening; there are so many edible plants that require minimal to even no care at all.

Some excellent choices include;

  • Green onions

  • Potatoes

  • Carrots

  • Swiss chard

  • Tomatoes

  • Strawberries

  • Basil

  • Mint

Community Garden Working in collaboration with your community to start a garden is a great way to bring people together and generate a steady supply of fresh food during challenging economic times. Studies suggest that 77% of gardeners are willing to share their bounty with family, friends, and neighbours.

Share Harvest With Neighbours Sharing with neighbours is fun and rewarding. If there is excess food, consider sharing it with your neighbours first before giving it to charity or composting it. Community sharing helps you eat locally, reduces food waste, and helps people in need. This helps everyone involved save money while building a stronger community.

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