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Australian Industrial Hemp licensing support

What you need to know

The Industrial Hemp Scheme in Australia is governed by each State Government. This is very different to the Medicinal Cannabis Scheme that is governed under the Federal Government and requires an extensive process. 

How Urban Green Farms Can HELP?

Farmers and growers that are interested in growing Industrial Grade Hemp, are often left feeling confused and discouraged. 

This is generally driven by the fact that every state regulates this amazing plant in different ways. In saying that, the Hemp Farming application process is rather simple and we can help make it easier.


We provide farmers and growers with a complete end-to-end management solution, because we know time is money.


Hemp Myths 

Myth 1: Hemp and Marijuana are the same thing

Hemp and marijuana are both varieties of cannabis that developed due to selective breeding. Although the two look and smell alike, however, they are structurally and chemically different. The most noteworthy distinction between the two is the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) level. THC is the chemical responsible for making users high; hemp contains virtually no or little traces of THC, while marijuana contains anywhere from 10% up to 30%. Essentially, marijuana is cannabis that induces a mind-altering high and leaves users feeling euphoric and dazed. Hemp, on the contrary, has no such intoxicating effects.

Myth 2: All hemp strains are the same

Just like marijuana, hemp belongs to the Cannabis sativa plant family. Also just like marijuana, there are dozens of distinct strains/cultivars of hemp, each of which possess different cannabinoid levels and different levels of CBD.

Myth 3: Hemp requires no irrigation or Mineral Inputs 

Hemp plants in fact need plenty of water, especially during the first six weeks after germination. Therefore, the plant's reputation as a good dry-land crop (meaning it can be grown without irrigation) isn’t accurate. That being said, as long as hemp receives enough water and bio-stimulants like Happy Soils in the first six weeks, it can indeed survive prolonged periods of drought.

However, it grows taller and thicker when watered, which is why irrigation is still recommended. As for the myth about hemp not needing mineral inputs to grow, there is a little truth to that. Since these plants naturally grow tall and close to one another, it’s more difficult for insects to infiltrate. This means the plant doesn’t require as much inputs use as other outdoor crops.


Myth 4: Hemp will not solve all the world’s problems

It’s true that hemp is a very versatile plant. It can be used for a variety of things, from textiles and construction to nutrition and agriculture. Since hemp can be farmed to create sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives for everyday items like cotton and plastics, it’s easy to conclude that hemp is what the world needs to solve all its problems.


For example, growing hemp instead of cotton in some areas would be a huge step forward, but it’s just not plausible to replace all of our current practices with hemp-based alternatives.


Hemp is thought to be the first domestically cultivated plant, with evidence of hemp fabric dating to 8,000 years ago found in Turkey (former-day Mesopotamia) and ancient China. 


It made its way to North America in 1606 with American farmers growing hemp for products such as paper, lamp fuels and ropes. In the 1700s farmers were legally required to grow hemp as a staple crop and George Washington grew it on his estate.

Industrial hemp was touted a “billion dollar crop” in the 1930s after automobile pioneer Henry Ford embarked on building a car manufactured and fuelled by hemp. Mr Ford achieved this goal in 1941 and claimed the car was 10 times stronger than steel.


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