Hydroponics is simply described as growing plants without soil. Hydroponics allows you to control more of the variables including pH levels, lighting and nutrients for optimal plant growth and produce yields. Water is the main method of delivering the nutrients to the plant’s roots, combined with growing media to help support the plant. Hydroponically grown plants dip their roots directly into nutrient-rich solutions, so plants get more of what they need much faster and easier. Hydroponic farming can be used in locations where soil conditions are too poor to support farming, or where space is limited. It can be done anytime and anywhere!
Urban Green Farms has developed a number of programmes for students across Australia to educate them about the benefits of sustainability through aquaponics and hydroponics, vertical gardens, and regenerative Agriculture, including composting. We provide specialised courses for both hydroponics and aquaponics. Built with the teacher in mind, it fits right into science and sustainability studies for Primary and Secondary schools.
We understand that teachers and educators are already time-poor and face many challenges. Urban Green Farms will help your school learn, grow, and discover the world of sustainable farming by providing products, ready-to-go education courses, training, and ongoing support. We also offer a range of grant support services and excursions.
We aim to develop a network of schools and education facilities that build a community of like-minded people to share knowledge and key learnings. Here are a handful of some of our partner schools:

The course is perfectly designed for grade 3 upwards, but can be adapted to be much more comprehensive for senior students. Students will learn about “mini- ecosystems” and in-depth review of the Nitrogen Cycle, and its importance to living organisms. This includes ecosystems, and how pH measurements can be used to test water for different variables. The lessons also include other pertinent information as well as related vocabulary and more.
Students will learn about the science behind plants and what they need to grow. Including topics such as nutrients, light, Photosynthesis, Water, Carbon Dioxide,
environmental requirements, and much more. Students will need to identify the key differences between conventional and Hydroponic farming, whilst being able to establish advantages and disadvantages of each method, and apply them to real-world situations.