Schools across Australia have shut due to COVID-19, unprecedented times where parents find themselves having to be teachers and keep up with their own workload in the meantime too.
It’s a time where being adaptive is important not only because schools have had to switch to online classes pre-emptively, but because there has never been a more important time for parents to influence their child's learning through technology and tools available at the tip of your fingertips online. Homeschooling doesn't have to be daunting, learning has an advantage in that it can cater to the individual child as parents can help pick and choose some more interesting topics and interactive learning programmes.
New Tools & Technology:
With an abundance of technology and tools available online its time we started to engage in new learning practices. STEM education is as important as ever, helping to develop innovative learning through new tools and frameworks.
For example, Aquaponics is a natural fit for the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) classroom, providing hands-on, practical, and integrative learning opportunities for students (and teachers). It’s no wonder so many Australian educators and teachers are looking for and finding great ways to integrate aquaponics into their classrooms. Urban Green Farms has developed an aquaponics curriculum to foster 21st-century learning skills, specifically for STEM, perseverance, critical thinking, peer-to-peer interaction, and peer-to-adult interaction. Students who engage in a successful aquaponics curriculum gain invaluable experience that will prepare them for the future in a way that traditional classroom curriculum does not.
Learning Spaces: Kids need to embrace new learning spaces, it’s how they adapt and grow in their environments. Setting up fun engaging learning spaces helps with creativity, thinking and skill development. Spaces that cultivate learning are detrimental in inspiring the young minds of tomorrow. It’s important to include fun ways to keep them engaged.
Fun practical hands on vs theory:
While kids need to maintain the traditional subject, english, maths, science, and history, through theoretical learning, they also need to develop a more practical hands on learning repertoire. The Aquasprouts kit by Urban Green Farms comes with a free course and activity guide to help kids take a more hands on learning approach. The indoor farm garden helps with environmental studies, biology and science as kids can grow and maintain a garden via homeschooling. It even integrates fish-keeping so kids can look after them and feed them in the process making it so much fun!